Rich Litvin


Rich runs a leadership consultancy for world leaders, based in Los Angeles and London. Ultra-successful people – who you would assume don’t need a coach – are the ones who call Rich. His clients have included Olympic athletes, Presidential candidates, Hollywood film directors, Special Forces operatives, serial entrepreneurs, PhDs and Harvard Business School alumni. Rich is the founder of 4PC – a community of the top 4% of coaches and leaders. 

Rich leads a community of almost 20,000 coaches and consultants. And he has helped train many of the most exclusive coaches on the planet. A scientist by training, Rich has a background in Behavioral Physiology and Psychology. He trained to teach at the University of Oxford and he has a master’s degree in Educational Effectiveness & Improvement. 

Rich's big picture is to mobilise $100 Million to educate a million children. His company has helped to build 5 schools in Africa. He has lived and worked in eight countries and on four continents. Born in England, he still has an adorable British accent and spends his time between LA and London.

Here's the "Real" Bio...

My name is Rich Litvin. I’ve been bullied. I’ve been fired. I’ve struggled financially. I’ve felt lonely. I’ve lost loved ones. I’ve also coached clients who’ve lost children, had life threatening illnesses, had miscarriages, been abused, been assaulted and been through bankruptcy.

But I have also been a leader, a coach and an advisor to high level leaders for almost 30 years. I’ve faced many challenges (in life and business) and I’ve coached many people through life-changing experiences. And I’ve been privy to the secret challenges of elite clients, from Navy Seals to multi-millionaires. (Hint: they have the same challenges as the rest of us...)

Oh, and I'm an introvert at heart who is secretly relieved when plans for a night out are cancelled!


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